Basic Obedience Class for Junior Puppies (dogs 5 mos. or under)
Go first to LATEST NEWS for rules for this class before registering.
Registration LIMITED.
(Puppies must have their second set of shots before they come to class, which is Week 2.)
Class offers lots of fun & socialization for puppies. Puppies get a GREAT foundation for the rest of their lives! Puppies get used to the basics of being handled, learning how to focus, and learning how to learn! Basic commands covered are: Sit, Down, Recall, Down Stay, and Loose-Lead Walking. In addition, owners learn how to promote good household manners, and how to deal with common puppy problems, such as jumping, mouthing & biting and pulling on lead. Puppies only (5 months and under) also enjoy an optional socialization play group at the end of class, depending of the make-up of the attending puppies, which teaches them how to relate to and interact appropriately with other puppies and also how to respond to their owners while playing.
Class is 8 weeks (10 hrs.), one and a quarter hours/week, with Week One being an orientation for owners only (no dogs). Class instruction is one hour, with a possible additional 15 minute socialization period for puppies 5 mos. and under, depending on the make-up of the attending puppies. Two instructors/class if class is full. Class size is limited to 10 dogs. Everyone in the family is encouraged to come to class! Make-up classes (max. 3/class) are available. Rate is $345.00
Additional custom classes may be available at the discretion of the instructor. Also, unique needs can be addressed. If your needs are not met by any of the classes or consultations listed, please call 703.876.0284 to discuss your specific requirements. Prices effective March 1, 2022, and are subject to change.